There are those out there that are a little weary about credit cards and their usage. Those people who have enjoyed using credit cards enjoy the convenience and not to mention the rewards (cash back, miles, points) that they receive. Others may not have enjoyed the usage from overspending on their card. College students will need to use credit cards to pay for tuition, books, room and board, etc. There are several things to look for when applying for a new credit card.

Low APR Credit Cards:

Out of the credit card choices that are available in the market place look towards having a low APR credit card first. In terms of a student credit card, an Annual Percentage Rate of under 16% is a great rate for those applying for a brand new credit card for the first time. If the interest rate is higher than that and you do not pay your credit card bill off each month then the interest payments may start to add up promptly. Focus on the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and compare that among the many choices of credit cards available to you.

Compare Credit Cards & Fees:

Each credit card issuer will have specific fees attached to each card. Fees include: Late Payments, Annual Fees (depends on the card), Interest Fees, Increases in APR for Late Payments. Make sure you focus on what fees each credit card offer has along with the APR attached to it.

Best Credit Card Rewards:

Some credit cards offer rewards or perks for their users which can add up nicely. Some credit card offers allow cash back while others allow you to rack up points to receive items and there are also airline credit cards which give you airline miles. You can consider getting a card that offers these benefits. Points made available from spending on your credit card are an excellent benefit as they allow you to use your points for a variety of items listed in their points catalog. You can redeem your points when you have racked up enough on your card by going through their online catalog.

Student Credit Card Research:

Filter through what kinds of credit card offers you are specifically looking for. Spend some time thinking about what you are planning to use your credit card for and what you want in a card. When you spend some time thinking about the kind of credit card offer you want specific credit cards will stand out. This way you will be more confident with your choice when you finalize your decision on which credit card to get.

There is a market out there specifically catering to college and university students. Spend a little extra time going through the details of credit card deals. You will find that it is a lot of fun to use credit cards and quite a convenience to have.

Melanie Simpson of offers advice and strategies on ways to qualify for the the best credit card offers and the features that you want.

Compare Credit Card Rates by APR, Intro APR, Balance Transfer Rate, Annual Fees, Features and more. When it comes to credit card deals gives you more choices to choose from.