Investments That Guarantee A Return
The current economic situation has forced many people more into debt, however, while others are going into debt, there are many people out there looking for good investment options. If you have extra money, it does not make sense to let it sit in a saving account; however, many of the investment options out there are also risky. For this reason, there are many individuals who seem skeptical about where to put their money. The good news is there are options for investment that are available today and at the same time are risk free.
When we talk about a good investment that does not necessarily mean it is going to be risk free, however all risk free investments are relatively good investments on some level because you do not incur a risk of monetary loss with the investment. When you are looking into to various securities, anything that has the potential to cause you to lose money cannot be classified as risk free. However, securities that are free of this risk are often more popular and usually found in government bonds, treasury bills, and certificates of deposits (CD).
The wise investor will most likely consider a risk free investment not only to minimize risk, but also to save smarter when it comes to the future. One of the difficulties with investment securities is that they are not very liquid. Unlike your regular checking or saving account, you might not have access to the money in your securities or even a surety that it will be there in the future. However, with risk free investments, you can rely on the fact that the money you have invested today will at least be there tomorrow, and this is a nice comfort for many investors today.
Although there are different types of risk free investments, one of the most popular risk free investments is obtained from the government in the form of a bond. A government savings bond is a nice long-term investmaent security that accrues interest over time; and once it matures, you can count on getting your money because you invested in the government instead of a bank or the stock market. The downside of bonds is obviously the fact that they provide a lower rate of return, yet there is no risk and you are guaranteed at least some return on your investment.
Another option for risk free investing is treasury bills or T-Bills, which are offered from the government. The great thing about T-Bills is that they function a lot like bonds, given that they are offered from the government, however they have a much shorter term life than bonds. A typical T-Bills reaches maturity in a year or less and at the same time there is not risk of losing money. When it reaches maturity, you can expect to receive the principle back plus any interest you made on your investment.
Many people who do not invest in government securities but are still looking for risk free investments rely on certificates of deposits (CDs). Certificates of Deposits typically have a time period that ranges from one quarter to five years, and, once the CD has matured you receive principle and the interest. And, although CDs are definitely sound investments and free from risk, they do not have the tax breaks that other investments offer; so, make sure to consider that when you are deciding which security to invest in.
When you are trying to determine what to invest your money in, you will come across a variety of different options, and you will realize that not all investment opportunities are created equal. For this reason, many people seek the advice of a financial advisor to help best advise them on what decisions should be made for there investment portfolio. Whether you work with a financial advisor or not, the one thing to remember is to be cautions and ere on the side of conservative when it comes to your investments.
In the investment industry, a higher rate of return usually involves more risk, and therefore it is important to be cautions. Many people do reap the rewards of the higher return, yet there are others who end up losing money - that is the risk. And, for this reason that is why caution is important, especially in real estate and stock market investments. Don't Lose Money On Your Investments
Risk free investments might not provide the highest rate of return, but they do not allow for risk. Invest in savings bonds, T-Bills, and CDs today. You will be better off in the long run.